This lovely box of primulas would certainly make a splash of colour in the garden.
Sadly I did not get them, this time!
This is one we have grown.
This was last week.
Sadly the snowdrops are almost over now.
These were in a wood in the sun and stretched as far as the eye could see.
Just beautiful.
Not long until the lambs are born.
This sheep seems quite happy to wait until her lambs arrive.
A murmuration of starlings.
These birds flock on winter evenings and make the most amazing shapes as they go to roost.
Evening sky behind bramble bushes.
Truth be told we only had a sprinkling of snow; so I dashed out with my camera and snapped a few pictures of snowdrops looking pretty sad.
With some help from Photoshop!
Miserable day today, drove through a wood and saw this old flint wall.
Old charm and beauty.
Wonder who or what is was built to keep in or out?
Daffodils are not out in the gardens yet, however, there are lots in the shops.
A wonderful way to cheer a dull day.
Thought this was fun.
These lovely little early spring flowers brighten up dull days.
The bees love them too, I missed taking a photo of the bees buzzing in and out.
This photo shows that even though the tree is dead it has lots growing around it and everything looks lush and green.
These are some of the snowdrops that are growing under the plum trees.
Sunny with very few clouds, not too cold, however, there was a breeze.
Lovely textured lichen on a tree branch.