Fabulous bright and cheerful flowers for the end of September.
Picked from the garden.
These make me think of carnival time.
Sparkling morning dew.
Strange blobs
Actually the dew on a spiders web.
So delicate and beautiful, it is only on misty mornings that you notice all the spiders webs' and how carefully each one is made.
Reflections of trees in the river.
This is a lovely Virginia Creeper outside some lucky persons front door.
The sun just caught this super flower arrangement and made it absolutely stunning.
This is a tobacco plant, and I think it may be about to flower.
I wonder what colour the flower will be.
What a stunning flower.
Happily the plant has many more.
I think these are gulls, I did not know that they flew in a V formation, geese, ducks, herons etc do but this may be a first for me.
Also, by the by, today I saw a flock of starlings; the beginnings of a murmuration? shows the changing of the season towards winter.
This big cabbage has not been protected from the ravages of the cabbage white butterfly caterpillars.I looks pretty tatty round the edges.
Should pick it a eat it soon.
What a day full of weather.
We awoke to thick mist which lingered most of the morning.
This was replaced by some rain showers and sunny spells, although around there was thunder, so, there must have been lightening too!
The day ended sunny with a lovely sunset.